
Active Member Form

    1. Organizations name

    2. Organizations web site

    3. Country

    4. City

    5. Language

    Language - other

    6. Link to organizational social media page:

    7. Contact person name

    8. Contact person title

    9. Contact person Email

    10. Contact person phone

    11. Indicate on which specific issues are you currently working regarding the right to health

    Other (please specify)

    12. Do you have experience in implementation of following approaches under the social accountability?

    Other (please specify)

    12.1. If you have selected YES on at least one of the options under question 12., please specify the methodologies used in the space below.

    13. Please provide a brief summary of your commitment to COPASAH Europe.

    14. Please outline your organization’s priorities and work in relation to your commitment in greater detail

    15. How do you plan on contributing to COPASAH Europe work as a partner?

    15. Please submit your logo

    Supporter Form

      1. Organizations name

      2. Organizations web site

      3. Country

      4. City

      5. Language

      Language - other

      6. Link to organizational social media page:

      7. Contact person name

      8. Contact person title

      9. Contact person Email

      10. Contact person phone

      11. Indicate on which specific issues are you currently working regarding the right to health

      Other (please specify)